Join me to learn how walking gently in the lives of others
Brothers and Sisters Good morning, Today I want you to learn Walking gently in the lives of others, it’s not all wounds are visible.
Sometimes when our brothers and sisters are grieving or suffering, we are simply called to show them love and comfort or to be silent instead of saying something which may even increase the pain of those who are grieving or in pain.
We could injure their visible or invisible wounds. Stand with them, pray for them and limit our words.
So join me to pray for maturity and a high sense of discernment in our relationships and our dealings with others. Always pay attention to what we do and say in the lives of others.
I pray that we become our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers even when sometimes it is not possible to carry all their burdens. If we can’t add more, at least let’s not take away what little peace they have, So help us God and give us all your blessings.