Kigali:Kalinda Francois Xavier among Senators appointed by His Excellence Paul Kagame
These four senators were given the confidence by His Excellency the President of the Republic Paul Kagame on this Monday, September 23, 2024.
It is after Senator Kalinda Francois Xavier was once again trusted by His Excellency the President of the Republic after he was a senator who led the Senate in the last Mandate where he replaced Dr. Augustin Iyamuremye who resigned due to illness.
Kayitesi was appointed as a Senator after he was removed from the RGB leadership and replaced by Dr. Trust Picard.
One of the things that will be remembered is that before these changes Dr. Usta Kayitesi initiated reforms aimed at ending the chaos in religions and churches in Rwanda.
It is something that has been returned to Rwanda so that even President Kagame when he received the oath of the Minister and the Deputies returned to it.
He said that it is not appropriate for Rwandans to be ‘followers’, to follow religious people who eat their money and promise them heaven.
Kaitesi Usta has a master’s degree in law from the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands, and a master’s degree in law from the University of Ottawa in Canada.
He also holds a Master’s Degree in Law from the University of Rwanda.
He became a teacher at the University of Rwanda in Huye, and he was the director of the University’s College of Arts and Sciences.
Tangible informations confirm that he was one of the seven commissioners who were part of the Commission to Assist the Parliament to Revise the Constitution.
Who is Dr Kalinda François Xavier?
He was born in Kitabi Sector in Nyamagabe District, he has a master’s degree, PHD, in commercial law, studied in Canada, at the University of Ottawa.
First and second grade, he studied at the National University of Rwanda.
In his work, he used to teach where he said that he has been a teacher at the University of Rwanda for 19 years, and he has also been the head of the law department.
He also studied at ILPD College, Nyanza where he studied Diploma in Legal Studies (DLP).