What is depression and how to survive it Read this story
The story is about your struggle with depression
The truth behind depression most people don’t know the fact, the cause, the symptoms, the effects and most importantly the treatment.
I spent 4 years with it, I struggled with it and I survived it.
Here are all I know about depression suppose that someone comes to your right now and asks what is depression? I’m sure you would say something won’t you?
We all know that depression is mood
some of you call it a condition, a situation. I know a few friends who call it a moment but is that true?
Allow me to start without a further due:
4 question marks
This is the worst topic in human history. It kills but You don’t have to die while I’m here
My names are King Vick, I was born in Rwanda / Kigali city I studied primary school and secondary school but dropped out of university.
The reason is…
I was supposed to be a normal teenager, study hard, finish school, go to university and then get a good job
what happened?
What happened is what is happening to most of the youngsters out there …Children, teenagers, mature, old, men and women
A lot of people are going through or have been through depression in their life with depression, there is always something to lose.
I lost my university studies, Someone lost his/her job, Someone died, people lost everything, Parents have divorced, children have been orphans, couples have killed each other, businesses has struggled ,Children lost their focus.
In this world, a lot has happened because of depression.
As I’m writing this It is 3 am, I slept early last night and now I can’t sleep, This is normal sometimes you wake up in the middle of the night and think about your life, I’m thinking about my past, the hard times I used to have ,,As I was reckoning all of it.
I thought.. You know what? What if I write about my story? it might help someone out there who knows? Maybe ….
My story might change the world
You know what they say? Changing the world is not that difficult Do the right thing for you and a few others it starts with you.
Before i start Let me give you the right meaning of depression.
Depression is a mood disorder that causes feelings of sadness, emptiness, and loss of joy.
I was just 19 years old
In short: I grew up in a proper family, A father and a mother who loved each other, I had siblings I remember everything was normal back then, I went to school, scored Highschool, I was happy, a happy kid with a happy friends and a happy …At 14 years old I lost my father ,Few years later my mom lost her job.
My life was a mess
Going to school was hard, Struggling to pay a semester fees my mom was already having a lot on her plate.
I don’t know how she did it but She could always manage take me back ..Looking at her pain, struggling for me As if carrying me in her womb for 9 months wasn’t enough hurt me.
I could spend nights crying,sobbing, screaming, calling out God, begging him to bless my mother.
If u are a female and u are reading this ,I salute you,, you are a God’s sent and I do respect everything you do….kudos
u are a miracle🙏
I had only one goal
Study hard, finish as soon as possible and go out there to help your mother
I had a goal that the moment I will finish school I will solve 80% problems of my family
With all the hardships I finished school and this time I was ready to work hard and help my mom
But there is a big question I had never asked myself when I was in school
what to do? Who will give me the job? How will I help my mother?
When you are a student All you think about it is If I finish school I will work hard and be successful.
No one ever think like…
What if I finish school what will I do?
This is the big question that can change any student’s life but No one bothers
So jobless hit me after school.
The whole of 2016, I was having too much stress in my mind, No job, no possibility, no idea, no connection and not even an interview.
Do you really feel me? Or have you ever felt the same way? If so
I think now it is the perfect time I tell u the symptoms of depression : loss of interest or activities, changes in appetite and body weight, Loss or over gain, fatigue ,difficulty sleeping or oversleeping ,feelings of guilt, Worthlessness, difficulty concentrating or making decisions, thoughts of death or suicide attempts, Physical changes, peer pressure,
I didn’t have only four
It was like I had all of them, I was hating everyone, sad, anger issues, I could spend days sleeping, I just wanted to go to sleep and not wake up again ,I was lonely, darkness covering my eyes for 24 hours.
No lights, no sun Just nights and dark
I used to think about my life, what did I do wrong? What would have happened if my father never died or if I was born into a different family?
Or if. If…if. If There were many ifs in my life
I went to university and tried to study but it was a lot Life was hitting me hard and I couldn’t take it
Long story short I dropped out
There is this time in your life when you don’t feel anything anymore
You don’t cry anymore
You don’t laugh, you don’t care whether you eat or starve You don’t feel pain anymore ,You can’t have feelings for someone ,You are just like a stone under the bridge
I felt it, I lived it and I survived through it
This turns to the ending part of the story
But what would be the purpose if I finish this without telling you guys how I overcame it
Right now I’m fine
I found a job and even though I’m not where I wanted to be
I’m glad I’m somewhere and I know that one day I will repay my mother for everything she did for me
Have you ever met a stranger? Like someone you don’t know
Coincidently you find yourself having a conversation with someone you know nothing about.
Read this carefully
In 2019
I was depressed
I had tried everything and nothing ever worked
Motivations, videos, google, videos,
Nothing seemed to be helping and I was left lonely
There is choosing to stay alone and there is being lonely
Loneliness isn’t the worst feeling
The time you sit and think nothing but see the shadow everywhere
Even if a cat steps on you
Scratch you with her fingers
You won’t feel anything
I don’t know where I got the energy but I told my friend bits of my story and he connected me with a lady
I accepted
. She asked me to tell her what was going on with my life I agreed…
The moment I started talking I couldn’t stop
I remember telling her everything crying out the feelings
All she ever did was listen the thing I loved the most was her face during my talking a normal face, humble and caring one she didn’t seem to judge any of my actions
I felt relieved like I have been having a stone in my heart and that time that was the day I realized that I was a human being again
And the she asked me to join her in the evening run
We used to run for 30 minutes 3 days a week
She asked me to join her in the Gym
I started jumping rope ,Lifting small weight
I did some yoga, sit-ups and pushups ,I started finding myself again Sweating, waking up in the morning with a purpose,I started seeing myself as a human being again
And in 3 months of having someone around me who cared for me, who cared for my situation ,I wasn’t alone anymore ,She helped me find a reason to live ,
And by now i can say
I survived depression because of her
Depression is the leading cause of disability around the world, according to the WHO, Second leading cause of death First cause of poverty in youth among the leading cause of addiction.
The third leading cause of suicide in the world
It doesn’t have types or favorites No one is immune to it No one and it doesn’t only attack the poor
The rich can back me here
Depression is treatable, though the treatment may depend on the exact type a person is living with
Here are the list of celebrities that should give you hope that depressions can be treated
Demi Lovato
- K. Rowling
Lady Gaga
Brooke Shields
Gwyneth Paltrow
Cara Delavigne
Dwayne Johnson
Jim Carrey
Ryan Reynolds
Sarah Silverman
Wayne Brady
Kerry Washington
Michael Phelps
Owen Wilson
Ellen DeGeneres
Ashley Judd
Brad Pitt
Bruce Springsteen
Emma Thompson
Chris Evans
All these super stars have been through and survived depression
So if you have depression Don’t give up
So what can you do to treat depression?
You can’t keep all these feelings inside of your heart forever, they will Kill you
Find someone to tell your whole story
Your friends can’t be trusted sometimes your parents can’t help But you can see a therapist
a stranger
Someone you don’t know much
Someone who is willing to listen to you
You can find him/her through your friends
But I would say talking to these three people will help
No one can help you As long as you don’t want to be helped or as long you don’t want to share your story
The study has found that sport come second as the possibility to recovering from depression
Work out, jumping role, push ups
Something to make your body active, make you sweat and remind you that you have muscles that works
Study also found that eating more of the following foods helped reduce depression symptoms:
Your favorite dishes
Another thing you might need to try is
If you believe in God
Please befriend a Bible
Wake up at nights
Pray, call God
It doesn’t work to many but it might work for you
With depression …. you have lost all the hopes
So if you want to overcome it
You need hope ,You need to anything that can bring back hope in your Body
Nothing is permanent in your life…
Nothing is permanent in your life unless you refuse to fight It is okay.
You are a human being and what you are going through isn’t a curse ,,You are sick and if you want treatment
Please the time is now
You can overcome it easily if you get treatment early
If your friend is having the symptoms
Please be that stranger who is willing to help
Make it your job and go same a person’s life
You can change the world by changing someone and you can do it
All you have to do
Is listen…don’t judge just listen and let them know that you are there for them If they push you away stay Force it…stay
Never let a depressed person pushes you away
They need you
They just don’t have the energy to accept it
Suicide prevention
If you know someone at immediate risk of self-harm, suicide, or hurting another person:
Ask the tough question: “Are you considering suicide?”Listen to the person without judgment.
Call 911 or the local emergency number, or communicate with a trained crisis counselor.
Call any emergency, immediately ,Stay with the person until professional help arrives., Try to remove any weapons, medications, or other potentially harmful objects.
Make it your priority to save a human being
We were born alone ,we found people in the world
We don’t have to live alone
We need each other
We will always do
Thank you so much for reading
I’m king Vick
Wow thank you for sharing us Your story we’re sure we’ll fight this Depression thing.